Helping Bereaved Parents Take a Step Toward Healing

Get support and gain traction to move forward in your grief journey.

Help Me Heal

Living With Grief
Can Feel Overwhelming

Child loss thrusts you into a life you never asked for, taking away all control. You are forced to wake up every day and be reminded your child is gone. Standing in the middle of a crowded room, you have never felt more alone.

Anger, hatred, even guilt consume your thoughts. The people you thought would be there are gone. Others pressure you to "move on". The future you envisioned has been ripped away.

Then there are the days you think you are going crazy. How can you possibly survive when it is so hard to breathe? Look in the mirror, you don't even recognize the person looking back at you. It can be hard to re-enter a life you feel disconnected from.

Shift your Perspective + Take a Step Forward...

Living With Grief is not another grief share group. While we do share our stories, we are more future-oriented. This program is designed to elevate you into a healing space and arm you with everything you need to live again (not "get over it").

Your host, Emily Graham, is both a bereaved mother and Certified Grief Coach. Healing from child loss requires action, the right tools, and a community that understands.

Redefine Grief & Healing

Healing from loss is not what you think it is. Learn how to redefine your entire experience and lay the foundation for life after loss.

Build A Support System

Connect with other bereaved parents. Build relationships that offer the comfort and support you may not have in your daily life.

Learn How To Move Forward

Get actionable strategies, ongoing content, interviews, and videos you can apply while following your own timeline.

Manage All The Emotions

Intense, competing emotions leave us feeling out of control. Learn how to take your power back and find balance.

Rediscover Yourself

A piece of you likely died with your child. Get to know who you are now as you release the struggle and reconnect with life.

Rebuild Your Life

Get real-time answers from a Certified Grief Coach as you face all of life's challenges and rebuild a life you can live.

"We Can't Change the Past, but we Can Choose How we Move Forward."

What People are Saying

Emily understands first hand what it's like to lose a child. She can relate to the messiness of grief and life after.


Get Started Now

Get instant access to a affordable, impactful grief support that walks beside you.

Living With Grief offers:

  • Everything you'd get from an industry-leading workshop, except it's ongoing and you never leave your home.
  • Virtual, small-group support as you continue to work on your grief, following your own timeline.
  • Actionable, helpful content 3x each week with help to apply it exactly where you are today.
  • Ongoing information, interviews, and videos to help you rediscover yourself, release the struggle, and rebuild your life.
  • Unlimited access to a private, exclusive Facebook group with other parents also focused on healing.

You will enjoy new perspective, friendship, and actionable strategies while feeling more in control as you find your path forward.

Most popular

Small Group Support

For those wanting weekly support and bonding of a small group of parents that just "get it". Plus ongoing workshops and healing-related content.

  • Exclusive Facebook Community
  • Healing Strategies & Content
  • Monthly Workshops & Interviews
  • Connect with Bereaved Parents
  • Weekly Small Group Support
  • BONUS: Guide To Moving Forward
  • BONUS: 50 Self Care Strategies

per month

Sign Me Up!

Small Group Support

For those wanting weekly support and bonding of a small group of parents that just "get it". Plus ongoing workshops and healing-related content.

per month

Sign Me Up!
  • Exclusive Facebook Community
  • Healing Strategies & Content
  • Monthly Workshops & Interviews
  • Connect with Bereaved Parents
  • Weekly Virtual Small Group Support
  • BONUS: Guide To Moving Forward
  • BONUS: 50 Self Care Strategies



Get inspired to rebuild your life, connect with other bereaved parents, and live again.

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